You may have wondered about the very colorful and eclectic logo and the meanings behind it. Much of the explanations provided here are taken directly from Ill. Bro. Arturo De Hoyos' Scottish Rite Ritual Monitor and Guide and Dr. Rex R. Hutchens' A Bridge to Light.

The Pelican

The largest figure in our logo is the Pelican. In masonry, the Pelican tearing its breast to nourish its young is a symbol of every philanthropist and reformer who has offered up his life for the benefit of humanity; and so teaches us an exhaustless munificence toward all men, and especially toward the needy and defenseless. It also represents the large and bountiful beneficence of nature from whose exhaustless bosom all created things draw their sustenance.

The blood from his breast is red or crimson and stands for Zeal and Fidelity.
Zeal - eagerness and ardent interest in pursuit of something; passion.
Fidelity - strict and continuing faithfulness to an obligation, trust, or duty; a faithfulness that is steadfast in the face of any temptation to renounce, desert, or betray.

(Definitions provided by


There are 3 working tools and 1 tool, which may be seen more as an instrument of divinity, that form an arch in the background surrounding the Pelican. These tools are the Sector, the Axe, the Saw, and the Censur of Silver.

The Sector teaches us to multiply good deeds, to divide that which we can spare of our substance with those who need it more than we, and extract the good that is intended to benefit and bless us.

The Axe is the great agent of civilization and improvement. Troops armed with that weapon have conquered barbarism. Under its blows the primeval forests disappear and the husbandman displaces the wild hunter. To the rude barbarism of early ages succeed settled society and laws as well as all the arts that refine and elevate mankind. The axe is nobler than the sword and as the sturdy pioneer, armed with the axe, strides to promote civilization, and as the great trees fall before him, never to rise again, so Masonry hews at those mighty trees of intolerance, bigotry, superstition, uncharitableness, and idleness; and lets in the light of truth and reason upon the human mind which these vices have darkened.

The Saw symbolizes that steady patience and persevering determination by which the resolute man makes his way to the object of his endeavor through all obstacles. It teaches us that masons laboring for the improvement of the world and the great cause of human progress must be content to advance - certainly though painfully and slowly toward success.

The Censer of Silver reminds you to perform good deeds and charitable actions dictated by a pure and upright heart.

The Plain Scale

A fifth working tool is present below the Pelican's nest and is used to drape a sky blue banner or cordon across it. The Plain Scale teaches us that we should not only live for ourselves, but for others, so as in just measure to serve ourselves, our families, our friends, our neighbors, and our country.

Sky Blue represents Charity.

Words and Phrases

The word "NEDER" sits above the Pelican's head and reminds everyone operating under this logo that he or she has vowed or obligated themself to acts of charity and good will toward others.

The words "Aurum Nostrum Non Est Aurum Vulgi" found on the sash means "Our Gold Is Not The Common Gold" and eludes to the fact that each seeks a reward from personal achievement and experience and from the sheer act of charity and finds the value in that... not in profit.

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